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Tue Feb 26th 2013 17:30
By: bent
Så sker det på Lørdag d. 2. marts kl. 19 starter vores sidste koncert med DIE, med venne bands! Så i den anledning vil vi gøre lidt for dem der møder op! I form af: Gratis grav-fadøl fra kl. 19-20 Gratis t-shirts til de første 10 i døren! Og der vil være lidt konkurrencer i løbt af aftenen hvor man kan vinde merch og cd'er! og ikke nok med det! Vil der også være BILLIGT merch til salg!
Så vi håber at se så mange som muligt dukke op, til DIE's Død!
Horns fra en lille sprække i kisten!
Ses i helvede!
Thu Jan 10th 2013 22:06
By: bent
The Death of DIE
Efter længere tids dødvande har DIE besluttet at lægge ligkister og torturinstrumenter på hylden. Arbejdet med at skrive opfølgeren til 'Rise of the Rotten' var begyndt at trække i langdrag og da motivationen var dalende var gravlægningen af bandet uundgåelig. Vi skilles som venner, og arrangerer derfor i samarbejde med Death Rides a Horse og Mono, en afskedskoncert i Monorama, Aarhus, d. 2. marts kl. 18 så vi kan afrunde bandets karriere i fællesskab på scenen. Til koncerten kommer Abscission, Disintegrated og 13 Devils og hjælper os med at markere aftenen og spille op til en seriøs omgang dødedans. Vi vil gerne takke alle samarbejdspartnere, vi har haft igennem de sidste 7 år, de bands vi har delt scenerne med, samt alle der har støttet os og givet den gas på dansegulvene rundt omkring i landet. Det er uvist om vi nogensinde kommer til at arbejde videre på opfølgeren til 'Rise of the Rotten', eller om vi i det hele taget kommer til at spille sammen igen; Men der skulle være rig lejlighed til at høre os i forskellige andre musiske sammenhænge da de fleste af os fortsat vil være aktive metalmusikere.

The Death of DIE
After a longer period of inactivity in DIE we have decided to put coffins and torture instruments to rest. The writing of the follow up to 'Rise of the Rotten' was starting to drag on and since the motivation was dwindling the burying of DIE was inevitable. We part as friends, and therefore a farewell concert has been organized in cooperation with Death Rides a Horse and Mono, in Monorama, Aarhus March 2nd 6 p.m., to round off the band's career together on stage. The concert will also be featuring Abscission, Disintegrated and 13 Devils who will help us mark the occasion and accompany a final dance macabre. The band would like to thank everyone whom we have worked with over the last 7 years, the bands we have shared the stages with, and all who have supported us and rocked out on the dance floors along the road. It is uncertain whether we will ever continue the work on the follow up to 'Rise of the Rotten' or if we will ever play together again, but there should be great opportunity to hear us in various other musical contexts as most of us will remain active metal musicians.
Thu May 24th 2012 9:30
By: bent
For the first time in almost 4 years we are ready to play a brand new track. Prepare to be blown away at our gig tonight at V58!
Tue Apr 10th 2012 13:41
By: bent
A new gig has been added. This time it's at V58 in Aarhus, May 24th. We will be playing with Begging for Incest (DE) and Castrensis (DK). See you there \m/
Tue Feb 28th 2012 12:33
By: bent
Two new gigs added: Fri Jun 1st in Vejle, DK and Sat Jul 14th in Fredericia, DK, Metal Magic Festival 2012.

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Site News

Mon Aug 15th 2011 12:03
By: bent
A review at was added in the discography section.
Tue Aug 17th 2010 10:38
By: bent
A pro-shot video from our gig at the Day of Decay festival Aug. 14th 2010 has been added in the media section.
Fri Jul 9th 2010 16:41
By: bent
Added a couple of reviews in the discography section. This time in four different languages: French (Le Chant du Grillon), English (Metal Psalter), Italian (Metal Italia) and German (Metal
Wed May 5th 2010 11:04
By: bent
We have added a bunch of reviews of 'Rise of the Rotten' album.
Check them out in the discography section.
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